Lorem Ipsum generator

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Placeholder text generator

Placeholder text generator

Lorem ipsum - an insert in the page layout that does not have a semantic load. "Text-fish" is needed for the standard filling of the template and the correct distribution of characters. The text file begins with the words Lorem ipsum and is the default in most layout programs and HTML editors. At first glance, the words are only consonant with Latin, but they have a good "pedigree" - this is a fragment of a phrase from the work of Cicero.

Lorem ipsum origin story

In 45 BC, the ancient Roman orator, philosopher, and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, On the Limits of Good and Evil. This fact is not directly related to the appearance of Lorem ipsum, but about five hundred years ago, a book printer decided to use these words to showcase a collection of fonts, letter combinations and spacing.

Virginia professor Richard McClintock was able to figure out that the placeholder text was taken from a book in which the word dolorem was hyphenated on pages 35-36 - do remained on one page, and the new one begins with lorem. The treatise of Cicero was devoted to the problems of ethics, was popular during the Renaissance, and at the beginning of the 16th century, a fragment was randomly chosen as a “fish” for printing font samples.

In the 1960s, the Letraset company, which produces sheets with letters in different fonts, revived the tradition of using Lorem ipsum. Before the advent of computers, designers and type designers cut out letters and pasted them into layouts. The letters on the sheets were arranged alphabetically or in the form of paragraphs of the text Lorem ipsum.

In Aldus Corporation's first publishing software for Apple, text was already embedded in the system and automatically filled in the pages. Later, Adobe began to use "fish" by default in graphic editors. Now Lorem ipsum is used in printing, web design, advertising design, etc.

Interesting facts

  • Lorem ipsum is the beginning of a rather large text. Some computer programs generate nonsense continuation up to the required number of characters, paragraphs or paragraphs.
  • The classic Lorem ipsum includes individual words from Cicero's treatise, with extra letters inserted in some places.
  • The personality of Cicero in the printing industry appeared not only in Lorem ipsum. The typographic font "cicero" has existed for more than five hundred years. It was first used in 1465 by Peter Schöffer, a student of Johannes Gutenberg, to print the first edition of the works of the famous orator and politician.
  • There are analogues of Lorem ipsum. In most cases, the texts are just a collection of words, but there are coherent and entertaining stories.

On the Internet, you can find different versions of Lorem ipsum, some of them are very far from Latin and even contain humorous inserts. For serious work with fonts, the classic "text-fish" without surprises is suitable. Our generator provides a believable blueprint that gives you an idea of ​​what real text would look like.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum is the fish text in the page layout. In printing and design, an insert with Latin text is used if the original text is not available. Such a replacement allows you to coordinate with the customer in advance the future design or text arrangement.

What Lorem ipsum is for

In many cases, the development of advertising banners, inscriptions on packaging, content for websites occurs at an accelerated pace. To avoid delays at each stage, designers, marketers and copywriters work simultaneously. Until advertising slogans or texts are ready, the area is filled with just letters or an empty set of words - a placeholder.

The most popular of them is Lorem ipsum, "fish" is inserted into the layout for clarity. In this case, it becomes clear how a certain font is combined with the composition, the size and shape of the letters, their color, etc. matter. In addition, it is customary to test layouts and agree with the customer all the details, including the type of font.


  • You can prepare "fish" yourself, write or copy a fragment of Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. But it's much more efficient to use a special service that generates Lorem ipsum to test the font.
  • The Lorem ipsum generator allows you to get the text of the desired volume, with a given number of paragraphs or list items.
  • When evaluating the design, the “fish” does not distract attention from the content of the text, the template is filled evenly, taking into account the actual distribution of characters and spaces. This is another argument for Lorem ipsum.
  • After using Lorem ipsum, don't forget to remove "fishy" texts and their remnants.

Lorem ipsum is the most popular fish text. Latin words do not add up to meaningful text, but they help to choose the font, its size, lettering and location.